Bila org dh bahagia. Doh aku bile lagi. Keri dpt doh pengganti aku:'). Sume tggl aku. Skrg aku btol2 sorang diri. Bile aku nk ye mula ye jual mahal. Hmm dh nok wk guane ? Dakpe la,one day i will go far away from this all. Don't care what people will sayingg. Oh dunia,please be deal wth me. I want my happiness too. Hm. Regret is one thing that people always do. Dear,heart. Please stay strong wth me. Dear soul please stay strong wth me. Dear GOD please give my life back. I want my old ife. I hate my life now. I'm always blame this to me. Hmm, i don't know what to say. I'm not strong like other girl. I am is who i am. I can be myself but i can't be otherself. It's call hypocryte. Hidup penuh dgn pembohongan. What i get if i lie myself ? That's call hypocryte. My blog post full wth sadness post. Hmm, dear LOVE please come wth TRUE LOVE. Don't come wth LIE LOVE. I need my true love who can accept me who i am. My old life. My old life full wth darkness. No lightening like other people life. Now i'm study how to appreciate sum1. In malay, SETIA ITU PENTING.


Hmmm, hai:(. Hai 2014. Haiii dan haiii segalanya. Hmm, nages nye aku mlm ni. Hm. Jujur aku syg syukri:'(. Xley nafikan sume ni. Ya allah,kuatkanlah hati aku. Semoge aku kuad hadap blake nim:'(. Aku syg dy sgt sgt. Kejut ngt tgk relay dy. Hmm, kawan? Oh xtahulah. Hmm. Ngalir ase air mate skrg. Aku sggup wk free kol 3ya hom semate mate nok kol dy. Tp dy sanggup tipu aku abd agkt kol puan laen ? Yeee, aku tahu mg beruboh hati doh bgn aku syukri:'(. Perit sunggoh skrg. Aku nok tmpt ngadu sorang. Tp xdok org:'(. Ya allah sesungguhnye aku  syg dy . Yelah,mmg aku saloh pilih org:'(. Ya allah. Aku xtahu doh nok ngadu k sape. Nages je buleh wk aku tenang. Tapi siked je :'(. Aku perlukan kekuatan. Hmmm, aku tahu doh keri syg org laen dh. Tp dy xperlu bg aku harapan palsu. Aku tahu ye syg puan tu. Fine laa. Hmmm, aku rase mcm nok bunuh diri jee. Aku xley time hakikat tentang diri aku:'( . Bkp aku jd lemoh gni ya allah:'(. Aku tggu dy dri td doh. Dy gtw nk tido. Sebenarnye, xpum:'(. Dy tipu:'(. Sampai hati kan. Hm, aku xtahu la nok g mane skrg. Xdok hale tuju doh. Allah bantulah aku. Aku tahu ye tgh hepy. Hmmm, aku xperlu doh wi harapan. Indahnye kalu aku xwujud:'(. Aku betol2 tersekse skrg ya allah:'(